Today (May 1st, Beltane) we got a pair of kittens, a brother and sister, bringing our cat total back up to 4.Our impressive black tom, Velvet Jones, is now officially out on his own. Monterey Jack, who came with the house, lived to be about 20 but couldn't hang on. He got thinner and thinner, then sort of faded away, last year.
That left us with Mr. Sushi and Princess Leia. Two cats are plenty, but we knew someone with kittens. Kittens are hard to resist. These were the last two, and we thought they should stay together...
The black male, our daughter named 'Pope Emo V' on the way home. While I insist on at least approving new cats' names (unless they're already named, like Mon and Leia), I eventually had to admit that POPE EMO the FIFTH is a damn cool name for a tiny ball of fuzz.
This left me to name the female calico, the only one in the litter with extra toes, two on each side, inner. The innermost are very small and the outer ones normal-sized, making it look very much like she has thumbs (or as if she's wearing mittens). After getting to know her a bit, I could tell how adventurous she is, so I named her Avanti (Italian for 'forward', or 'ahead').
Enough about cats.
Also, recently I bought four little 'Mr. Stripey' tomato plants (my favourite variety) and have been thinking about how to go about hanging them upside down...
I'm not about to go out and buy some expensive planting system, or for that matter whatever relatively inexpensive hanging planters may be available. I don't even want to look for them. No, I'd rather make my own...
I've got quite a bit of black plastic sheeting, and we always seem to have wire hangers that we don't use. I can do this.
Where to hang them? There isn't enough light on the porch, and the eaves of the shed don't quite reach out far enough...
That leaves the trees.
Stay tuned. I might take photos...
Beltane 2009